Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One session down

Thankfully it wasn't a drinking session this time! Far too much of that went on over xmas.

I was training at home in Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan today. Unfortunately I've limited facilities (powerlifting bars, steel plates), so I had to keep it simple. It suited me though, I really need to be eased back in!

I started with some of my back rehabbing exercises, so I think now is probably a suitable time to explain what issues I'm having exactly.

My left scapula is the culprit, and it's been preventing me from supporting heavier weights overhead for quite a while now. According to my physio there is several things causing this. All contributing to the overall imbalance. I'll list them, with the suggested treatment.

1) Thoracic spine mobility
-extension (avoid excessive Lumbar sp. extension)

2) Lat dorsi flexibility
-foam roller
-bar hang (great for grip work too)
-stretch lat dorsi (physiological stretching = 20-30sec, 2-3/10 stretch sensation, 5reps, 5 daily)

3) Pec/chest tightness
-shoulder dislocate
-door stretch at different angles
-theraband behind back

4) Serratus anterior weakness
-scap pushups

5) Levator scap tightness
-to stretch (physiological stretching) look towards opposite armpit (sit on stretch-side hand)

So as you can see, i've plenty of work to keep me busy! At the minute my scap is slightly winged, and due to the weakness in the lev scap, it's not as tight to the back at the bottom as it should be. That's not completely obvious in the these pictures, but I think it's fairly clear what effects it is having on my back development.

Today I mainly focused on the thoracic spine extension, as well as some scap push ups. I also did 3x1 minute hangs from the gyms pull-up bar. This really lets me get comfortable with the arm positioning for the jerk, it fairly burns the forearms though!

As I was saying I was limited in what I could do today. So after a some leg stretches, and bar work, here's what I did-

Front squat- 3x50, 3x60, 3x70, 3x80, 3x90
Back squat- 3x60, 3x70, 3x80, 3x90, 3x100
Military Press- 5x30, 5x35, 5x40
Push Press- 5x50, 5x55, 5x40

I dropped back to 40 for my last set of push presses, because my lefts arm's lockout was really suffering. I feel the fatigue after some of the earlier work, and the effects of just being back were the main causes.

So today's training was very basic, and not too intense. It was really just what I needed for my first day back. Hopefully I can up it a little more tomorrow.

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